
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Where Ordinay is Cleshe !!!!!!!!!

If u have been an obeserver and assimilator of things that go around u in this world and have leveraged ur intelllect
, you would have already acknoledged chaos 'reigning' and will have lost faith in rules binding our lives.

Look at the world panning out from a lay mans perspective and .... we find ourselves unstoppable, we've have defied all odds ,we've done the
untinikable ,we've found means of litrally 'kissing death good bye'.Now that is as close to defiying nature as we a have
got or have we ?

Nature has its own nack of tackling imbalences and it does a fab job doesn't it. its almost inate in it , is the nature to get back to the
state of equilibrium , which is where we should belong to .We indulge ourselves so much to the 'world' that we find ours selves on a swing ,precariously
flirting with the contours of the 2 exteremes , true to the nature of a pendulum in full swing ,
.It appears to have a certain flair attached to it , in philosophical terms 'maya' ,and thats
what mesmerises us ...
hmm i wonder how much more we have to learn from nature !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only if we could make an ernest start !!!!!!!!!!1

Glimses of this are found in every aspect.The other day there was a discussion that came up , one that has become a routine these days that of the
recession vows and the impact of it on the 'big fish' that fed on it .... u guessed it rite , the IT sector.It was'nt any more than a decade and a half back when
the internet was an alean to us.We've moved from then on to getting overly obsessed with it to the extent that it would be a pain full poceess to part from it.
Why do we always have to go thru the crest and the trrough of the sine wave before we feel the need to find the median path .If we thought that we are wiser
than the generation rhat has gone by ,why doe that not apply to real time decisions. Why are we still bound by the ordinary just why ????!!!!!!!!!!!